My work in and with museums has
provided me with numerous opportunities to observe the roles and activities of
education committees from a variety of perspectives. As a founding board member
of the new Madison Children’s Museum, figuring out what an Education Committee
should be was a complete mystery. As staff liaison to Minnesota Children’s
Museum Education Committee for ten years, I was challenged to find an
appropriate match between the work the Committee wanted to do and what staff
needed. In my practice of strategic and education planning with many museums, I
work with education committees that are also navigating this territory.
of how individual museums frame their mission and focus, education is at the
heart of delivering learning value to their communities. This ambitious task
clearly falls under the board’s broad purview and is made easier with a committee
appropriately charged with overseeing the museum’s learning interests. If not
understood and aligned with these interests, the value of this resource is
diminished and can even interfere with the museum’s work.
A well-functioning education
committee is valuable at any time, but it is especially valuable when a museum
navigates major organizational shifts. For a new museum, the education committee that was instrumental in opening the
museum is not the same one needed for the next stage of growth. A museum
emerging from a capital project that has doubled its size needs to rethink its
education committee. To understand these and other transitions,
I have been exploring a stage-based framework for education committees across
the life of a museum.
To enjoy
long-term success, a museum’s educational work must be relevant to the
community, be understood and supported by the board, and be owned by staff. Oversight
for a museum’s learning value, practice, and some types of planning are
assigned to a board-level education committee, also known variously as program
committees or exhibit committees. A museum’s learning focus, expressed in its
vision, mission and core values, is delivered through its learning assets, including exhibits, program, and collections.
museum’s potential learning value is a powerful draw for board members. In new
children’s museums, the education committee is often the first to be formed, drawing
high interest as a committee assignment and exercising major influence.
Yet, in
new as well as more established museums, education committees seem to encounter
more challenges and frustrations compared to other board committees such as
nomination, finance, marketing and development, about how and when to involve
board members. Perhaps factors related to education and informal learning confound
the education committee focus and roles.
in museums occurs within a larger context of education, schools, and children’s
learning that is being examined and debated publicly and sometimes
contentiously. Imprinted with a powerful image of learning in classrooms, many
board members are unfamiliar with learning through exhibits and objects in
informal settings. In addition, a museum may lack a shared view of learning in its
museum. Finally, the same heightened sense of excitement and ownership of a
museum’s mission can make it ripe for personal aspirations and agendas.
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The Scream by Munch |
committees are often given a broad charge to oversee the museum’s learning
interests but without clear guidance. It is not unusual to struggle to define
work at the right level between policy and implementation. In fact, an
education committee in one museum might approve exhibit concepts and and design.
In another, it might review a long-term exhibit plan. An on-going search to
find the right balance between involving board members is paralleled by
on-going confusion about board and staff work in this area.
In fact,
sometimes as more skilled and specialized staff come on board, challenges
increase rather than decrease. An experienced staff’s competence managing
exhibits and programs and understanding the community may appear to obviate the
need for a committee with a strong sense of ownership. When museum leadership
assumes that there “should” be an education committee and puts one in place without
a clear purpose, role, trouble lies ahead. But when an education committee
works well, even if only briefly, it is a true asset to staff, board, and the
museum in accomplishing real work.
surprisingly, challenges increase with each transition a museum experiences,
whether related to leadership, a change from a working board to a policy board,
or a growth spurt that occasions a major capital project. Successful museums
typically experience frequent transitions, often finding themselves in new
organizational territory. Each shift requires fresh insights into its learning
value and serving its audience through exhibits and programs. Each shift poses
the question of how committees should be structured to support this new work.
In my experience, individual museums navigate these transitions on their own. They manage with various structures and roles for committees and with varying degrees of success. There appears to be no real "best" practice in this area.
To address this common challenge and bring a new resource to the field, I have worked on a framework for the important area of board oversight on learning. The framework is a synthesis of thinking on organizational lifecycles, the practice of several museums, and broad experience in the field. Because all museums pass through stages of organizational development, it is intended to apply to small and large museums of all kinds.
Lifecycle stages
humans, organizations grow up, move on, and change with time and experience.
Often new organizations are referred to as start-ups, just as some more
established ones are considered mature. Recognizing this, management consultant
Susan Kenny Stevens has identified
seven stages in nonprofit organizational development and developed a lifecycles
approach to understanding these organizations.
While the
following descriptions are brief, recognizing our own organization or others in
one of the 7 stages is easy.
• Idea: Community need sparks a
founding idea
• Start-up: Beginning operations
enjoy high passion while systems lag
• Growth: Demand exceeds systems
and capabilities
• Mature: Reputation for steady,
relevant, vital services
• Decline: Lose touch with
audience; low funder confidence; declining attendance; weak financials
• Turn Around: At a critical point
to reinvigorate programs, recapture market and organizational viability
• Terminal: Lost the will, energy,
or reason to exist
to Kenny Stevens, organizations build capacity across 5 areas: programs, management, governance, financial resources, and systems. Diagnostic Characteristics typical of the capacity areas for each
stage help place nonprofit organizations into one of the 7 stages. The predictable
tasks and challenges most organizations face in moving to the next stage in
each capacity area are Performance
In any
stage-based approach, progress is not necessarily steady, forward, or
coordinated. A two-year old museum with a new 20,000 square foot facility might
be in the idea stage for systems, the start-up stage in governance, and the growth stage for programs.
A museum could enter the decline
stage directly from the start-up or growth stage. Stages last varying
lengths of time for each museum and varying times for different types of
organizations. The idea stage for museums is often 5-7 years while only a few
years for a community arts center.
No matter
which stage a museum is at overall, moving from one stage to the next requires
strengthening its current position and increasing organizational capacity. The
lifecycle challenge is to achieve balance or alignment among the five capacity
building components.
demands on an organization at each stage translate into different demands on a
board, as well. For instance in governance
during the start-up stage, board
members have a personal connection to the mission or to the founder. To move
into the growth stage, however, the
board must move beyond “friends” and recruit outside professionals who bring
increased expectations for performance. During the growth stage, committee structure, officers and recruitment
processes are established. By the beginning of the mature stage, the board is a policy-oriented board that sets
direction and leaves management to the director and staff.
of the board, board committees–including education–must reflect the shifts in
the organization. An excellent education committee for a mature organization will be a disaster for a start-up. It will never get off the ground. Conversely, a museum
will have trouble moving from start-up
to growth stage or growth to mature if its education committee stalls in the idea or start-up stage. To move forward, requires a fit between the
museum’s lifecycle stage and its education committee profile.
framework for education committees reflects shifts across Kenny Stevens’ 7 lifecycle
stages drawing, in particular, on 3 of the capacity areas: governance, programs, and
systems. Each lifecycle stage is described
briefly, accenting the characteristics salient to the committee’s work across 7
attributes: committee status; focus, decision-making; meeting schedule,
supporting resources; and typical challenges. In this framework, decline, turnaround and terminal
have been combined into two stages: decline-turnaround
and decline-terminal.
Status. A small
working group of originators giving shape to the museum by defining its learning
focus and responsible for developing its learning assets such as exhibits and
• Focus.
The museum’s learning value, its focus, approach, and target audience in the
context of its mission and the offerings of area museums, recreational and cultural
• Decision
Making. Develop and recommend broad learning goals, content, approach or
content, and audience to the full board, if one exists, or adopt it in lieu of
the board. Review and endorse for board approval: exhibit topics, concepts,
phase documents, designs. Screen and recommend consultants, designers, and
fabricators to the board for contract.
• Membership.
Founder(s) and founding board members. Membership may be broadened over the
course of this stage.
• Meeting
Schedule. Frequent but not regular meetings, often in response to external
requirements such as meeting with funders or city officials.
• Resources.
Friends, family, local educators, and artists; other museums, museum
associations, and professional groups. Museum planning consultants or exhibit
designers may provide targeted expertise or play a major role.
• Challenges.
Defining a compelling, relevant focus that attracts broad interest;
communicating the museum’s learning value to stakeholders; serving audience
interest rather than committee interest; recognizing that expertise and
resources exist outside the originating group and accessing them; developing
standard processes and procedures; documenting exhibit decisions and processes
for future reference.
Start-up Stage: In the beginning stages of operation, a museum's program offerings (including exhibits)
tend to lead while systems lag. Passion and personal commitment continue to run high, but the museum
must build a durable organization.
Status. A working
committee created by the board responsible for oversight of the museum’s
exhibits, programs, and other learning assets.
• Focus.
How exhibits and programs serve different audience groups; how offerings relate
to schools; partnerships that can add learning value; increased staff capacity for
consistently smooth operation of exhibits and programs after opening.
• Decision
Making. Review and endorse policies such as collections, access and
inclusion, and evaluation for board approval.
• Membership.
Six-to-eight board members; appointed for specific terms to coordinate with
museum milestones. Ensure on-going community and education perspectives through
membership or as advisors.
• Meeting
Schedule. Meetings may change to frequent and regular schedules soon after
opening if the committee was highly involved in exhibit planning. Move to a monthly
• Resources.
Staff liaison: the museum’s most senior education manager with back-up from
executive director. Other museums. Content or community advisors for exhibit or
program review, expertise, or resource identification.
• Challenges.
Less involved in exhibit and program decisions; understanding boundaries
between board and staff roles; transitioning to longer-term thinking; pushing
appropriately for smooth operations.
Growth Stage: Mission, exhibits, and programs have taken hold, but demand and opportunities
exceed capacity and resources. To keep up, the museum grows through small, planned steps or a major
expansion. But frequently, growth just happens. This period requires focus and efficiency.
Status. A
standing board committee described in the by-laws and charged with growing the
museum’s long-term learning value.
• Focus.
The museum’s learning value to the community and its deliberate growth; audience
groups and how they are served; maturing systems that help grow value and
• Decision
Making. Review for staff implementation and endorse for board approval: staff
proposals for priority issues embedded in the strategic plan, multi-year
exhibit schedule, and learning or exhibit master plan; review opportunities for
evaluation, research and their implications. Does not choose exhibit topics.
• Membership.
Six-to-eight members well-grounded in museum vision and strategic priorities; 4-6
board members and 2-4 community educators with varied backgrounds. All appointed
by the committee chair for staggered 2-year terms. Members understand
governance roles; carry out their duties in the best interest of the
• Meeting
Schedule. Six-to-eight times per year coordinated with organizational processes.
• Resources.
Staff liaison: museum’s most senior education manager with back-up from
executive director; task forces (finite term, focused) on high-level issues;
access targeted expertise; other museums.
• Challenges.
Building staff capacity and credibility internally and externally; focusing on
organizational priorities rather than individual interests; balancing pursuit
of new opportunities with developing consistent quality.
Mature Stage: An established museum operates smoothly and has a community reputation for
consistently relevant and high quality services and experiences. It knows its audience and its audience
knows the museum. A leader among its peers, its challenge is to stay renewed, vibrant, and in touch with
its audience and community
Status. A
standing committee described in the by-laws, charged with advancing the
museum’s long-term learning interests and relevance.
• Focus.
Learning interests as strategic interests; reflecting changes in the community;
options for deepening learning experiences.
• Decision
Making. Review for staff implementation and endorse for board approval: large-scale
efforts or initiatives, master plans, multi-year exhibit and program schedules,
projects that require fiduciary risk. Serve as a sounding board for new
initiatives and appropriate but potentially controversial projects.
• Membership.
Six-to-eight members: 4-to-6 board members well grounded in organizational
vision, strategic priorities, and governance roles; 2-3 community or
educational representatives. All appointed by the board chair for staggered 2-year
terms to carry out their duties in the best interest of the organization.
• Meeting
Schedule. Four-to-six meetings per year.
• Resources.
Staff liaison: museum’s most senior education manager with back-up from
executive director; task forces (finite term, focused) on high-level issues.
• Challenges.
Staying renewed: remaining audience centered, being current and responsive to
community issues and visitor expectations; balancing being locally relevant with
being active on a regional or national front
Decline-Turnaround Stage: A typical setback in a difficult external environment or a series of
disappointments can start a museum into a period of decline at any lifecycle stage. As a result, a museum
may lose contact with its audience or lose funder confidence. If a board takes decisive action and meets
the challenge, it can turn the museum around. This requires a fundamental re-focus on mission and
market; it may also involve major restructuring or management, program, finances, operations, and marketing.
Characteristics of the education
committee during the decline stage
reflect whatever stage the museum is in as decline sets in. During turnaround,
the education committee would very likely be reformed and refocus its work to
reflect new priorities or structure depending on the nature and source of the
decline. If a turnaround is successful, a museum may find itself in a startup or growth stage with a corresponding education committee profile.
Status: A board
task force appointed by the committee or board chair for a specific term or
• Focus.
A sharpened focus on learning in support of an affirmed or revitalized mission;
the museum’s learning value to its audience.
• Decision
Making. Review staff work and make recommendations for staff implementation
as appropriate. Assess current educational products and services; regularly
review exhibit and program performance information; evaluate current and new
educational and partnership opportunities. Adjust exhibit, programs, and
projects to reflect new thinking, priorities and structure including program or
project termination or redirection.
• Membership.
Three-to-five board members who have internalized the need for change.
• Meeting
Schedule. As necessary during a defined time period.
• Resources.
Staff liaison: a turnaround manager or senior education manager. The museum’s
executive director who was at the helm during the decline stage is typically not the leader suited to oversee a turnaround. Outside consultants with
targeted expertise.
Regaining focus on learning and audience at the appropriate scale for a fragile
organization; retaining staff morale; willingness to make difficult decisions;
coordination with other board task forces.
Decline-Terminal Stage: The same setback in a difficult external environment or a series of
disappointments can lead to a terminal, rather than a terminal, stage. When a board fails to face the
crisis or the crisis is too great for the museum's capacity, it is at the far end of the lifecycle with few
options. Without the capacity or reason to stay alive, the museum calls it quits.
Characteristics of the education
committee during the decline stage
will reflect whatever stage the museum is in as decline sets. As the board
works through the terminal stage,
education committee work is likely to be assigned to a subcommittee or absorbed
into the board’s work to acquit itself of its legal and fiduciary
Committee Status. A board subcommittee or
designated board members.
• Focus.
The board’s programmatic, project, and partner obligations.
• Decision
Making. Disposition of exhibits to another museum or organization;
determining status of program grants; assuring execution of grant monitoring
reports; assuring open, honest communication to program partners.
• Membership.
A small group of board members willing to execute the museum’s responsibility
in an honorable manner.
• Meeting
Schedule. As needed to complete the work.
• Resources.
Staff liaison may be unavailable; if possible, the most senior educational
manager or executive director.
Challenges. Honest
communication; avoiding blame; being respectful of the museum’s past.
never too early or too late to align an education committee with its lifecycle
work. With existing dynamics, personalities and precedents and with many
demands on museum leadership’s time and attention, this is no simple task. A
framework profiling an education committee across the lifecycle is a tool with
a shared and positive view of what a committee can be and do for the museum and
those responsible: the executive director, board chair, committee chair, and
education director.
can begin with diagnosing where a museum is in its lifecycle. Kenny Stevens’
book is an excellent resource for this. The lifecycle summaries described here are
also a starting point allowing a quick comparison between an education
committee’s current structure, composition, and focus and another lifecycle
stage. At a glance this can point to manageable changes in promising areas such
as a committee chair, membership recruitment, framing agendas, and shifting
Understanding the arc of change over
the lifecycle is necessary for real change. Across stages for each attribute there
is movement from internal to external, from details to the big picture, from
doing to policy. Each part of the profile reflects the nature of these changes.
Committee Status evolves from personal, informal
and ad hoc to organized, professional and long-term.
• Focus changes from
exhibits and programs to the museum’s learning role and impact in the community;
from short-term to long-term thinking; from a staff-like focus to a board
focus; and from internal focus on specific exhibits and programs to an external
focus on audience and community.
• Decision
Making evolves from making specific decisions to review of direction for
staff implementation to endorsement of staff work for board approval.
• Membership
of the committee shifts from personal connections for recruiting members to
board appointment of members; from an all-museum member committee to one with several
community members with diverse perspectives.
• Meeting
Schedule decreases in frequency reflecting reliance on annual processes and
staff expertise and work.
• Resources
change from generalist to specialist; from board to staff; from learning-on-the-job
to accessing targeted experience.
• Challenges
shift from building learning assets to leveraging learning assets.
shifts tend to be true in both small and large museums. Even in a small museum
in which committee members need to occasionally take on staff roles, members
must shift mindsets from implementation to policy as a committee during the growth and mature stages.
education committees is about organizational growth and development. Whether
the shift to a new profile is greater or smaller, it involves change–in mindset,
capacity, resources, direction, or patience. It takes time and shared effort.
When, however, an education committee begins to inhabit its appropriate
profile, the effort shows. The committee, and through it, the board becomes a
greater asset in increasing the museum’s learning value to its audience and community.