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happened again recently. Another, unplanned, leadership transition in a young,
3-5 year old, museum. Again, I get over my surprise; everything seemed to be
going well.
Again I
think about the bumpy spots all museums encounter. Like any organization, these museums are experiencing, and will
experience, rough spots and growing pains. Some bumps are easier than others. The
departure of an executive director is a challenge, but not an unusual one. An unplanned departure makes it even harder. Often when it happens, is what makes it hard.
Again I
wonder about the museum’s next steps, the probable executive search, and who I
might know or know of who would be a good fit for the museum and the position.
I come around to the realization that this museum is navigating a transition from
one stage to another in its organizational life-cycle. Just as humans go through life stages (think infancy, early
childhood, adolescence, and right on through old-age) so do non-profit
organizations, including museums. Planned or unplanned,
leadership transitions often occur when a museum is making a shift from one
stage to the next. In fact, bumpy spots occur at somewhat predictable points in
a museum’s development. In
the case of these 3-5 year old museums, they are moving from a start-up stage
to a growth stage. Not surprisingly, they are living somewhat in both stages.
In this situation, growing pains are likely.
The idea
of organizational lifecycles comes from several fields. The work of Susan KennyStevens, a non-profit management consultant based in the Twin Cities has been a
helpful tool in my work. In her book Non-profit
Life-cycles: Stage-based Wisdom for Non-profit Capacity,
Kenny Stevens presents seven lifecycle stages that nonprofit organizations,
including museums, typically go through: the Idea
stage, Start-up stage, Growth stage, Maturity stage, Decline stage, Turn-around
stage and sometimes, the Terminal stage.
of every kind, size, and age experience life-cycle stages. Often these times are rough for staff, board, and sometimes
even partners and visitors. A life-cycles approach, however, can be a helpful tool
for a board,
executive director, and staff. Besides serving as a tool for navigating a transition, this approach can also help depersonalize
difficult discussions and decisions at a stressful time for the organization.
Understanding Stages
inevitable, stages are not deterministic with one stage automatically following
another like cruising through state after state on a cross-country road trip. Completing a stage and moving on to the next requires deliberate
effort, activity on many fronts, and working together at another scale and
complexity. New opportunities come along; there are staff and board
transitions; new systems are needed; and some things must be discarded.
The young museums I’m
thinking about signaled an intention to leave the Start-up stage when, accompanied by great celebration and popular response, they opened
to the public. The Growth
stage seemed certain to follow. Moving through stages, however, is not
automatic. Opening the museum doors doesn’t necessarily mean completely closing
the door to the Start-up stage and stepping over the threshold to the Growth
And while stages may be clear, the boundaries between them are not. Consequently, a museum is likely to be straddling more than one stage and not even realize it.
A stage
is not simply a place a museum bides its time or plows ahead to get to the
other side. Rather, a stage describes developmental periods when
characteristic patterns of behavior emerge, develop, and are resolved. The
major tasks that need to be accomplished in every stage cluster in five organizational
capacity areas: Programs (including
exhibits and programs), Management, Administrative Systems, Financial Resources,
and Governance.
Work to Be Done
success in any stage and the transition to the next one relies on having sufficient
internal capacity in all five areas. Development–or capacity–in organizations however, is usually uneven and occurs at
different rates very much as it does across domains—physical, social, emotional, and
cognitive—in humans. Uneven capacity across areas is likely to show up as a rough patch
or growing pains.
In museums, and in the
Growth Stage in particular, exhibits, products and services generally are more
mature than other capacity areas like Administrative Systems or Financial
Resources. A museum’s offerings expand in response to public demand. Staff races
to keep up; financial tracking systems lag behind. Capacity areas like
Administrative Systems or Financial Resources often need time and targeted
resources to catch up, for both building new capacity and shedding old ways.
Processes for
budget development, program planning, on-boarding staff, and recruiting board
members may have been outgrown or were never established. New levels of
accountability are needed. What worked for a staff of 7 and a founding board
may be inadequate for a staff of 20 and a board of many new recruits. The nature of the work to be done in a stage is not necessarily immediately obvious. For instance, “communication” surfacing as a recurring issue—communication with and among staff, staff leadership, the board—often indicates related capacity issues. Nevertheless, communication internally and externally IS more critical than ever.
– For Everyone
the necessary capacity also means having the right people in the right
positions: staff, staff leadership, and board. In every
stage, staff, board, and staff leadership have specific roles to play, and these roles change across
stages. For instance, a board needs to shift from being
hands on to being strategic. The executive director needs to have the right characteristics to
work with the board and be positioned to lead through a period of growth and development.
Finding the right person
to complete a museum leadership team, to fit with the board and fit with staff,
can be a challenge any time. Especially when a founding ED has left and a new stage of organizational development is unfolding, a successful search
can be challenging. A museum may not get it right the first time. Kenny
Stevens points out that, while more has been written about the start-up stage,
it is really the growth stage that is the more complex management challenge.
When I
return to thinking about what comes next for these museums and I look through
the lens of organizational stages, I think about them quite differently. Regardless of its size, age, stage, or focus, every museum faces
essentially the same task: building and aligning capacity across all 5 areas.
And because every museum is different, there isn’t a set way to move smoothly and gracefully from one
stage to another.
organizational life-cycle approach, however, does help a museum get
unstuck and develop a shared idea of how to move forward. It invites a museum
to understand which stage it is in, to diagnose its internal capacity across
areas, to identify where behaviors are out of sync, and to begin to grow and align its capacity.
approach doesn’t solve everything. No tool does. Moving from one stage to
another, however, is also an opportunity for a museum to become a better
version of itself.
Related Museum Notes
• Building Capacity to Have Capacity
Related Museum Notes
• Building Capacity to Have Capacity